Positive Behaviour Support

We train all our support workers in Positive range of options to avoid crisis and use therapy – Strategies for crisis intervention and prevention
Our training is delivered by 4 instructors who work across the service so have a great understanding of our service and the people we support, the training has a strong focus on person centred working sound positive behavioural support.
Our instructors are on licence from the local authority and supported by Loddon, the training is accredited by BILD, the British institute of learning disability.
Our staff all have two days of training that works to minimise the use of physical interventions, strategies to support people’s needs choices and preferences.
Ensuring that our staff are highly trained is an essential part of quality services.
Behaviours of concern
Some of the people we support can do things that cause us concern.
Some of the people that we support can have behaviours of concern, mental health issues and a learning disability, that means that we bespoke individual approaches to support people with complex needs, this can lead to people been excluded from their community.
We try to understand why people use this behaviour and what causes it, by avoiding the causes we support people to have better quality experiences.Usually we see that people needs are not been meet and we work proactively to make sure we understand what the people we support may be telling us.
Using tools like functional analysis and record keeping of times when it has gone wrong help us to learn and focus on getting it right.
This greatly improves a team’s understanding of what the person is trying to communicate though there behaviour. It enables us to have clear consistent plans for a person that meets the need and reduces anxiety and frustration
Positive Behaviour Support
The Edmund Trust support people with learning disabilities based around a person centred approach and demonstrating our values
The principals of positive behavioural support are:
- Person centred
- Understanding the persons behaviour
- Promoting preferred methods of communication
- Least restrictive
- Works to promote an individual’s quality of life.
We use this to understand the persons needs assessing the environment and working collaborative to develop a plan.
Positive behavioural support promotes:
- Our values, enhancing quality of life and discouraging restrictive practice
- Good practice in supporting people
- Good quality evidence to help form a plan
Positive behavioural support is proven to improve the life of the people who have behaviours of concern.
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